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Teaching toxicology and its various branches

Toxicology is the study of the effects of chemical, physical, or biological agents on living organisms and ecosystems, focusing primarily on safety and trying to understand how chemicals affect your health and the environment. It therefore uses most of the basic biological sciences, medical disciplines, epidemiology, and some fields of chemistry and physics for information, designs, and research methods.
Provides important information and knowledge that can be used by regulatory agencies, decision makers and others to develop programs and policies to limit our exposure to these substances, thereby preventing or reducing the likelihood of disease or other adverse health consequences. Be used.

Title : Teaching toxicology and its various branches
Writer : zamani moghimi nodehi
Date : 2021-07-31
Price : 50,000 T
Size : 515.1 MB
Rate :
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50,000 T
Teaching toxicology and its various branches
zamani moghimi nodehi
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